


Art.muro de pedra paintarticolo muro de pedra 1

Samsung Techwin

Samsung Techwin

CAM_0847lory in favela


During the years 2003/2014/ 2005 Giampi D’Andrea e Loredana Manfré together with some fellow associated of the Italian Cultural Association Deposito Bagagli develope an artistic project aplied to the social in the Minas Gerais state, at Belo Horizonte and more precisely in the Palmital favela called as well “O caldeirão do inferno” (hell's caldron). The extreme social degradation of the urban center located in the state capital suburbs engage them in sensibilisation and artistic projets in alternative of illegal and dangerous criminality activities involving the inhabitants, the schools and public and private institutions . The association volontaries extend their activities in the schools of the neibouroughs developping themes and simbols of the brazilian tradition and folklore, realising performances , videos et shaws in colaboration with the teachers and psichologues of the "Action sociale" department of Santa Luzia municipality..
During a pause of the activities , a visit to an old friend living a thousan kilometres away , on the Atlantic cost of Bahia, revels the rural side of Brazil which enchant them... Stimulated by their experience in the favelas, they dream to find an ideal place in Brazil where to continue the artistic and social projects... In 2004 during a second visit on the Bahian lithoral somebody proposes them to buy an abbandoned ranch on the highlands of Mogiquiçaba...
In 2005 the " Sao Bento fazenda" changes owners and become Saovento. In few years and a lot of work Giampi and Loredana structuralize and organize the land cleaning it from brumbles and weed, restauring and rebuilding the already existing constructions, making them fitting with the new destination and adding others for hosting friends, masters and students.. The area exceeds 70 hectares and includes apart from the fazenda, over 50 hectares of rain forest “mata Atlantica” in good state of conservation and regeneration and a 12 hectares area facing the Atlantic considered " Prioritary Urban Expantion Zone" , destinated to residential use. This area is made of a serial of 5000m2 lots each , for sale to artists and art lovers in order to partially finance the centre's activities (see the real estate paragraph ). The activities in the favelas are proposed for tre years consecutivly with a turn over of nearly all the members of the italian association which involves more than 150 young people in thetrical projects culminated with the realisation of two films : Artùr and the knights of Santa Lucia and a didactic video about the mask technique in papier maché. Every year people from Palmital is involved in Saovento's activities...